Cookies policy​

Cookies on the Nalihair website

When you browse our sites, cookies are placed on your device. A cookie is a file that collects information relating to your browsing: it is a connection cookie. These files can be stored on any type of device connected to the internet such as your computer, your tablet, your smartphone. We use different types of cookies.

Technical cookies

We place so-called “technical” cookies on your device which are necessary to provide the services you request on our sites. This type of cookies is essential to ensure the proper functioning of our websites and to guarantee the security of your browsing. These include, for example, “session identifier” cookies or cookies that allow you to adapt the display to the specific features of your browser.

Cookies for analyzing your browsing

Subject to your agreement, we also use cookies allowing us to analyze your browsing. These cookies have the following purposes:

  • Statistics and audience measurement cookies: These cookies allow us and our partners to measure and analyze the audience of our content and produce statistics in order to improve the quality of our services and optimize your navigation.
  • Personalization cookies: These cookies allow us and our partners to personalize the content that we offer you so that it is adapted to your needs: for example the language used or the type of browser.
  • Advertising cookies: These cookies, alone or combined with other data collected, allow us and our partners to analyze your interests or your needs in order to send you targeted advertisements or to offer you offers or promotions. personalized services. Deactivating this type of cookie does not mean that you will no longer receive advertising, but only that it will no longer be personalized.
  • Social media cookies: These cookies allow us to share our content on social media by linking it to your user account using the share buttons.

Managing your consents

You can prohibit the storage of cookies on your device, including technical ones, by configuring your browser. However, blocking our technical cookies may prevent you from accessing some of the features of our site.

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